Sunday, May 5, 2013

Threaten the bridge keeper

"See here," you say to the fellow, "I have faced dragons and witches in my quest so far. I will not be intimidated by a gerbil on a bridge!"

"Gerbil!" the little man shrieks. "Gerbil! Do I have a tail? Do I have fur? Do I have . . . well, I do sort of have gerbily teeth. . ." He puts his fingers in his mouth and starts to feel around as if to be sure. "Wait a minute, where did  my teeth go?" he gasps. "I was certain. . .they were here a bit ago . . ." he reaches all the way down his own throat with both his hands and then, when that doesn't get the desired results, he puts both his feet in his mouth as well, forming himself into a ball of sorts.

Seeing him in this position, inspiration strikes and you drop kick him into the canyon and continue on your way.

The tunnel broadens and becomes a great thoroughfare. Soon you are joined by other travelers, small, grotesque creatures, each weirder than the last, some carrying packs, some pushing mine carts, all not that interested in you. You come to a fork in the tunnel and find a sign with an arrow pointing down each tunnel.

The arrow to the right reads: to the Court of the Goblin King.

The arrow to the left reads: to the Crystal Lake. 

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