Monday, May 6, 2013

The Sign that Says The Throne Room

The path leads steeply downward and you find yourself walking along metal tracks in the ground. Before you can wonder about the purpose of these, you see a train of mining carts coming up the path towards you, filled with shards of sparkling crystals and brilliant gemstones. The hardworking goblins pushing the carts don't seem to notice you, so you continue past. You start to hear the tapping of a hundred tiny hammers.

Ahead you can see a brilliant light and you wonder if you have come somehow back to the surface and found the sun. When you turn the next corner of the path, however, you find yourself staring at a giant lake in a crystal basin. Crystals hang from the walls in elaborate and fantastical formations and everywhere there are swarms of goblin miners, carving and digging and loading up gems into carts.

An important looking Goblin in a blue pea-coat with golden epaulets stands at the entrance to the tunnel you've just exited. He glances over at you.

"I hope you intended to come to the Crystal Lake," he snorts. "Some idiot switched the signs back at the highway and I have gotten dozens of confused travelers today asking me how to get to the Throne Room. Stupid sign switcher.

If you did intend to reach the Throne Room just head back the way you came and take the other fork.

However, if you are here intentionally,  you might enjoy a boat tour. There are rowboats down by the dock and the view from the water is spectacular."

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