Sunday, May 5, 2013

Kill it! Kill it now!!!

Your dislike for creepy crawlies overcomes you and you grab the large stone and loft it overhead. You drop it on the creature. There is a satisfying, crunching sound and the un-squished section of the centipede twitches violently. As it flails about, it scuffs up the dirt beneath it, revealing a golden coin. You pick this up and pocket it for later before stepping over the now deceased centipede and continuing on your trip.

You hear the rush of running water and soon your light falls on a deep chasm. You gaze down into the depths. From the sound you imagine that there is a subterranean river below, but the light from your torch cannot penetrate far enough into the abyss to illuminate the water. The path follows this deep gorge for a bit before it approaches a small bridge, crossing to the other side. In the middle of the bridge sits a funny little man with bat like ears, a cucumber like nose, and skin that resembles moldy bread.

He eyes you as you approach.

"If you want to pass you have to pay the toll!" he shrieks. "Pay the toll! Pay me!"

Do you give him the coin which you found just a bit before?


He's a skinny little shrimp! Bully your way past him.

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