Sunday, May 5, 2013

Om Nom Nom Tasty Fish!

You take the fish back to the camp and while the bear is feeding his multitude of girlfriends, you carefully cook it over the fire. It is a tasty little fish, but after you eat it you get a strange feeling in your stomach, as if you had eaten a squirming, living caterpillar rather than a tasty  fish. Your entire skin starts to bristle and you look down at your arm and find you are breaking out in long, silky fur.

Uh-oh, not a good sign.

One of the bears points at you and laughs.

"Ha-ha! You must've eaten a Fluffy Fish. You should NEVER eat a Fluffy Fish  . . . unless you are balding and need a quick cure, and even then a few bites will do! You ate the whole thing!"

The bears look at you and roll around on the ground laughing for a bit. You do not think this is all that funny as it is quite hot under all that fur.

"You helped me out," your friend the bear says when he has finally calmed his giggles. "Now I will help you. You need to go back to the river with the fish's bones. Use them to bait your hook and after awhile you should catch yourself a Ponderous Eel, the biggest fish in the river. It will give you a fight, you may have to get wet, but don't kill it! You need that eel alive. When you get the eel, rub it all over your body. It's slimy and it smells like . . . well . . . old fish, but you will find yourself de-furred within the hour."

This does not sound pleasant, but you don't see any other options so you gather up the bones of the Fluffy Fish and head back to the river.

You sit on the bank and fish for an hour or so finally catching a six foot long monster of an eel. It smells worse than you expected, but you plug your nose and carefully rub the wriggling creature all over your body. You release the eel and find your fur starting to shed.

You need to go back and check on the bears now. You still think he should use the hunting contest.


You need to go back and check on the bears now. You really think he should do it by drawing numbers and you aren't all that sure he can count to twelve.

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