Sunday, May 5, 2013

The Bear Picks a Number

You sit down with the bear and explain the concept of counting to twelve a few times. Due to an incident with something called a Ponderous Eel, he explains, he doesn't have quite as many toes as he used to and he can only reliably count up to 11. You have him close his eyes and while he isn't looking you line the bears up in no particular order.

"Pick a  number!" you order.

"Fivety-one!" the bear exclaims excitedly. He apparently still doesn't get it. You pull the female bears into a huddle.

"Here is the deal," you say. "He's not bright but  he is friendly and a good fisherman. You ladies settle this among yourself."

The bears whisper a bit before shaking paws. One of them goes up and taps the male bear on the shoulder. He turns around and grins at the female.

"Oh! I hoped it would be you! You are so pleasantly fat!" he exclaims.

You are glad you have helped the bear find a companion but you decide there is nothing more to do here at this time.

You enjoyed the fishing and that would be a nice break. You head for the river.


There is another adventure you abandoned at some point and you would like to try that out.

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