Saturday, May 4, 2013

You Offer to Help the Wizard

Obviously intrigued by your offer to assist him, the Wizard clears his throat.

"Well, there is a chance that you might be able to help me with a small difficulty. I am somewhat indebted to a large dragon and a cranky old hag for recently assisting me in punishing my rebellious daughter and her idiot boyfriend. I would like to pay this debt, just as a matter of principle. I have heard stories of a valuable treasure on the bottom of this very lake, but I had a run in with the merfolk of the lake several years ago and they made it clear I was no longer welcome in their realm. Some people can't take a joke, is all I have to say on the matter. .  . if I were to turn you, temporarily of course, into some sort of water breathing creature, would you be willing to seek out this treasure for me?"

Certainly, you have nothing better to do.


No, that's just ridiculous. Commence with back up plan warrior!


Sounds like too much work, maybe he'd prefer a present.

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