Sunday, July 7, 2013

Janitorial Services

You are somewhat curious as to why "Janitorial Services" made it onto the map at all, and since you aren't in any particular hurry, you decide to visit that location and see what exactly the draw is. You place your finger onto the words and the world around you dissolves into a cloud of multi-colored dust particles. These tickle your nose and you sneeze. When you open your eyes after the sneeze, you find yourself standing in a room lined with shelves, racks, and hooks, all loaded with various cleaning supplies. There are brooms. There are mops. There are buckets and brushes and clothes and feather dusters . . . all as you might expect from janitorial services.

You are wondering if there is anything more to it when you feel something tugging at your hemline and look down to see an albino rat in a frilly pink apron. It is large for a rat, you suppose, about two feet tall with peering red eyes and whiskers that curl at the ends.

"You must be the new janitor!" it squeaks. "It is about time they sent me some help! Pick up a broom and let's get going!"

Do you inform the rate that it is mistaken and you are not actually an employee?


Do you play along and see where this goes?

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